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Careers Info

Careers Guide is a resource for both Careers Advisors and students on the latest opportunities within innovative companies from various sectors. The guide’s purpose is to provide an overview of the business, featuring where and how to apply for a wide selection of positions at different levels. It shows at a glance where particular opportunities are available for comparison and makes it easy for students to see what options are on offer.

Career Opportunities for Level

Articles to help with your Career

Photo Remote collaboration

The Future of Work in a Post-Pandemic World

Remote work and hybrid models have gained significant popularity in recent years, with the COVID-19 pandemic accelerating this trend. Many organizations have transitioned to...
Photo Job fair

Breaking into the Tech Industry: Career Advice

Education and training are essential for a successful career in the tech industry. A degree in computer science, information technology, or related fields provides...

Further information at 18

Navigating Your Options at 18 Turning 18 is a milestone that opens up a variety of paths to consider for your future. Whether you’re leaning...
Photo Team brainstorming

Strategies for Building Strong Team Collaboration Skills

Team collaboration is a critical factor in organizational success. When individuals work together toward a shared objective, they can accomplish more than they would...
Photo Job seekers

Career Fairs: What to Expect

Career fairs are events that bring together employers and potential employees for networking and job exploration. These gatherings serve multiple purposes: For job seekers, career...
Photo Ethical conduct

The Importance of Ethical Behavior in Workplace Culture

Ethical behavior in the workplace significantly influences employee morale. Organizations that operate with integrity and honesty create a positive work environment, fostering trust and...
Photo Job fair

Job Market Insights: Trends and Predictions

The job market is constantly evolving, influenced by a variety of factors such as technological advancements, economic conditions, and changing consumer demands. Understanding the...
Photo Business meeting

Mastering Professional Etiquette in the Workplace

Professional etiquette in the workplace is crucial for creating a positive and productive work environment. It encompasses a set of unwritten rules and expectations...
Photo Data visualization

Data Analytics: A Growing Career Field

Data analytics has emerged as a crucial component in modern business operations, with organizations leveraging data-driven insights to make informed decisions and gain competitive...
Photo Data Science Team

Careers in Data Science and AI

Data science and artificial intelligence (AI) are rapidly expanding fields in the technology sector. Data science involves analyzing large datasets to extract valuable insights,...