A Guide to Professional Values – Embracing the Traits and Behaviors that Lead to Career Success

 Embracing the Traits and Behaviors that Lead to Career Success
Photo by Edmond Dantès: pexels

Professional values are the foundation of ethics and behaviours that an individual upholds in the workplace. They encompass actions, skills, and attitudes that companies value in their employees. Having strong professional values can greatly contribute to career success and personal satisfaction in the workplace.

How values help you succeed at work

Professional values are often tied to soft skills and behaviours that contribute to building and maintaining a successful career. For example, being adaptable and flexible in communication and interaction with different teams can have a positive impact on how you are perceived in the workplace. Additionally, values such as responsibility, honesty, and reliability can demonstrate your trustworthiness and commitment to contributing to the growth of the company.

Consistency is key

Your professional values are a reflection of who you are and how you operate in the workplace. They impact how your employer, coworkers, and clients perceive you and interact with you. Maintaining consistent, positive, and productive professional values can demonstrate your confidence and self-worth, and contribute to your ability to take on more challenging tasks and advance in your career.

List of professional values

Some of the most commonly valued professional values include:

  • Responsibility
  • Time management
  • Accountability
  • Integrity
  • Team working
  • Helpfulness
  • Honesty
  • Respect
  • Communication and presentation skills
  • Confidentiality

Adopt these professional values

To succeed in the workplace, it is important to adopt and uphold professional values such as responsibility, accountability, honesty, and integrity. These values show your commitment to meeting objectives and contributing to the success of the company.

Reliability, self-motivation, and loyalty are also important values in the workplace. Reliable individuals are punctual, follow through on their commitments, and consistently meet their work objectives. Being self-motivated contributes to finding meaning and satisfaction in your job and inspires others. Demonstrating loyalty to the company shows your commitment to its success.

Confidence, compassion, and adaptability are also valuable professional values. Confidence can be developed through taking on challenging tasks, seeking feedback, and improving your skills. Compassionate employees support and help each other, while adaptability to different situations makes it easier to navigate interactions with a diverse group of people.

Professional vs. personal values

It is important to distinguish between your personal and professional values. While some of your personal values may align with your professional values, there may be others that are not appropriate to bring into the workplace.

Identifying your professional values

To identify your professional values, it is important to reflect on what is important to you in the workplace and what behaviours and attitudes you would like to demonstrate. Consider what is important to you in terms of ethics and principles, as well as what makes you fulfilled and satisfied in your job.

In conclusion, professional values are the cornerstone of successful and fulfilling careers. Adopting and consistently upholding values such as responsibility, honesty, adaptability, and self-motivation can greatly contribute to your professional growth and satisfaction in the workplace.