When you’re a student, it is a great time to start making your own money and to prepare for adulthood. If you don’t want to work for somebody else and are willing to be in charge, you should think about starting your little business right now. Here are 5 marvellous business ideas which will help you earn money as soon as possible.
Writing Essays
If you are good at writing, you have a great opportunity to become an essay writer. There are lots of websites that specialize in this scope looking for native speakers to join their teams. They sell various texts to students who don’t want to write them by themselves. You can write texts depending on your skills – from short essays to course works and theses if you have a strong knowledge basis in some subject.
The advantage of such work is that you can write texts in your native language and, for some of them, you won’t even need any additional knowledge. You will also be able to take as much work as you can do, without being stressed about deadlines and workload. What is more, writing is a highly demanded field of work now so you will be paid well.
Selling Your Art on the Internet
If you create something, you can share your art with people! The potential here is endless because no matter what you create, there certainly are people ready to pay for that. If your art is material, like jewellery, clothes, paintings, you can launch a website or start an Instagram account to sell them. Of course, there will be some challenges with attracting first customers, but after some effort and clever advertisement, you will find your audience. Needless to say that if your little business blows up, you will be able to hire a team and delegate some of your responsibilities.
Nowadays, you can also create non-touchable things. Again, you can start your website to sell whatever you make. Another way is to register on a specific platform, which is specialized in your field of interest. Remember, everything can be sold – visual art, music, photos, and many others. It may seem puzzling at first sight, so you may seek help and advice on different forums. To give you an example, Quora can become a good start. There are thousands of people asking and replying about what they are aware of, and you can even find a whole business chapter there.
Designing Websites
If you’re into the coding and tech sphere, one of the easiest ways to make money is web design. You may think that almost everybody knows how to create websites in the XXI century, but you’ll be wrong. You may say that there also is a number of nice website constructors with free or cheap options, so people won’t pay money for what they can make by themselves and will be wrong again.
Imagine a retired woman wanting to share her poetry with the world, only knowing how to use Skype to call her grandchildren. Or a businessman who is just starting his own business, making dozens of calls and writing numerous emails to hire people, agree on the supply of goods, and deal with bureaucracy mechanisms. What do they have in common? They both need your assistance since the old lady won’t cope with those website constructors and the businessman won’t have time for that.
Creating Mobile Apps and Games
Going deeper in the field of technology, creating diverse apps is what can bring you quite a lot of money as well as a future career. One way is to create useful apps for certain purposes. The ideas can be taken from your life. Think about something you’d like to make easier – learn a language, find a proverb by a word or a song by a rhythm, track your nutrition – those are ready-made concepts. Don’t worry if there already are some apps with the chosen brainchild. You can still make something unique! Or you can make a hilarious app with all the best meme sounds which will make your friends burst with laughter
when used at the appropriate time, why not? I’d have surely paid for that!
Another path is to create games. Without a doubt, beautiful games with complicated gameplay will be a time-consuming task, even for a group of people. However, as a rule, such games are highly appreciated by a gaming community which guarantees you not only a monetary reward but also recognition and further career opportunities. In case if you don’t want to bother a lot with this or don’t have enough time or skills, you can still create simple games which are still popular and sell some places for targeted advertisements, as most companies do.
Selling Goods Online
Last but not least, you can always go with the safest choice and start selling something online. You just have to decide which platform to use for this and what you want to sell. Try to analyze which product is not represented enough in your area or country, but people are ready to pay for it. Incenses? Books in sightly covers? Quality cat food? Vegan meals? Exotic fruits? Music instruments? Trustworthy food supplements? You can provide people with what they want!
You can start this business even without any investment in the goods. Have you heard about dropshipping? This is a selling scheme when you don’t need to buy any products and store them. All you have to do is to connect the buyer and the provider, making an extra charge which will be all yours.
We hope these ideas have stirred up your mind and given you the motivation to start your business today. It’s all in your hands, so make them bring you success! Good luck!
About the Author
This text was written by George Lynch – one of the most experienced writers on our team. Give him anything related to Humanities, and George is your man for the job! A top-class expert that has never missed a single deadline. His essays on postmodern literature are always a great read, bringing students positive grades all the time.