Businesses you can start from home

If you’ve decided to take the plunge and work from home, you’re not alone. With so much uncertainty regarding states opening up and people returning to work, the at-home model is becoming more and more popular. It makes sense then, to take matters into your own hands and start building your own future. If you’re wondering where to get started, here are just a few professions that are almost always in demand and successful.

SEO and Marketing

With the internet being a primary means of selling products, services and information, it makes sense to get involved in this lucrative industry. It’s essential that you know what you’re doing, however, if you want to pit yourself against already-established companies. Knowledge is key in this field, so learn everything you can about the techniques and what really goes into a successful SEO or marketing campaign. 

These two industries are not necessarily one and the same, though they tend to coincide. You can’t run a successful marketing plan, without the proper SEO or a content marketing plan, for example. If you can manage to offer both, you might just create additional revenue streams. Perhaps you have someone you can team up with to combine the services, making it a bit easier on yourself.

Digital Design

When you think of digital design, the first things that probably pop in your mind are centered on logos and branding. However, design work isn’t limited to these two facets. There are so many avenues you can take with this field. Here are just a few:

Book Covers

Many people have made a successful living as independent authors. While most of their books are sold digitally, they still need book covers designed to promote their work. They are used to draw readers in and to create a successful marketing campaign on social media sites. 


If you look at every successful advertising campaign, you’ll notice one similarity — great design work. Creating an ad is more than just choosing the right words, the ad has to evoke emotion and response in the viewer in order to get clicks and drive sales. That’s where a designer comes in. Many people make a great living off just creating successful ad campaigns for companies. 

To get started in design work, you’ll need special software such as Corel Draw, Photoshop or Illustrator. Additionally, it’s a good idea to take design classes to learn how to use the features, but you can learn so much just by searching online for tutorials for free. Many people upload lessons on YouTube as well. 


Freelancing has been a lucrative career for many, and if you’re not looking to start a company, but rather provide one special skill — such as copywriting — this might just be the solution. Many companies have websites that need content but don’t have the resources or talent to create it in-house. Instead, they opt to outsource the work, which is where your skills come in handy.

There are other freelance avenues, as well. Freelance accountants, designers and IT professionals can find all sorts of work on sites such as Freelancer and Upwork. They may require a minimal fee to use their services, but you can adjust your rates to include these. 


If you’re someone who’s constantly bitten by the crafting bug, believe it or not, you can actually make a living off it. Sites like Etsy and Facebook give you a platform for selling your goods. Be sure to do your market research and also learn how to use the sites to the best of your ability. You want to be able to draw in traffic with strategically-placed keywords as well as content that’s designed to sell your products. Fortunately, there are many guides to help you get started on your way. Whether you sell t-shirts, baby goods or handmade jewellery, you can rest assured that with a little bit of time and effort, there’s a way to make money selling it. 

It’s important to know that your business might not take off right away and there are bound to be tough times throughout, but if you stick with it and improve your efforts, you can work from anywhere. This means more time for yourself and the only person you have to rely on to make money is yourself. It’s risky, but rewarding at the same time and there’s a reason why hundreds of thousands of people choose to do it.