There are plenty of things that you can and cannot do when starting a new job. Follow these tips to make a smooth transition to your new company.
1. Get The Facts
One of the things you should be doing is getting all of the information you need ahead of time. You can ask all of the questions you want. The Human Resources department should be a good resource to use to bounce any questions off. If you aren’t entirely sure about who you should be asking, you can always contact the person that offered you the job in the first place. You’ll want to get a good idea of your work schedule, what kind of hours you’re looking at, what your salary will be, and what benefits you’re getting with it. All of this will ensure that you are ready to take on the new job in stride whether that is as a compliance officer or otherwise according to Barclay Simpson.
2. Get Information On Appropriate Work Wear
When you are looking to get dressed for your first day, you want to know what you should and shouldn’t be looking at. What you wore for your interview might not be ideal for your job. If you didn’t get a specific dress code that you need to follow, try to ask around to see what is deemed appropriate. That way, you can set aside a few outfits that you could use. This will ensure you aren’t running late for work because you can’t find the right clothing to wear.
3. Check Up On The Company’s Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) Policy
When you are looking to start your first day, you’re going to need to know whether or not you will be bringing your device or computer. Some companies allow this and some don’t. You need to figure out whether or not your company does. Some companies might even expect you to use your device. Here is some information on when a company may require you to provide your equipment.
4. Check On The Social Media Policy
When you are trying to get ready for your new job, you’re going to want to ask about social media policies. While some companies might not have any guidelines for their employees, some are very strict. Some may simply have policies in place to keep you from posting across social media platforms during work hours. Figure out what is and what isn’t acceptable before hopping on and posting.
You can time some time to go through your social media platforms to ensure that you don’t have anything that could get you in trouble. Likewise, you want to try to limit what people can and cannot access. You may have a boss that wants to be your new friend on Facebook. The last thing you want to do is give your boss access to some photos of you partying in college.
5. Don’t Presume To Know Anything
One thing you should try to do is be humble. Being humble is always a good thing. However, it can be especially good when you are getting started at a new job. No one wants to have a person that thinks they know everything around them. This is especially true if you aren’t knowledgeable about the day-to-day operations at a new organization. Because of this, you want to take time to listen to others that know more than you. That way, you can get a good feel for the organization and you can introduce yourself as someone who is there to be a part of the team.
6. Be Nice
You always want to be nice when starting a new job. If you are going to be integrated into the team and welcomed, you will need to be nice. Try to be nice to everyone you meet along the way. It will do wonders for you in the end. This includes front desk workers and upper management. Everyone can be an asset for you when getting started at a new place. Remember, it is normal to feel anxious in a new job and breathing exercises can help, as well as limiting caffeine. Another good way to curb nerves is these products from CBD UK.
7. Get There Early
A good way to reduce stress when starting a new position is to do a trial run before getting started with any new job. You want to try to prepare for traffic jams or delays along the route. Ideally, you want to do a trial run a week beforehand. That way, you know what to expect and you are well prepared for it.
8. Ask For Help
You can always reach out to people and ask for help. Whenever you are getting started with a new job, you want to ensure you are absorbing as much information as possible and that you are doing things the right way. Employers will love for you to ask rather than have to redo anything. It’s much easier to ask beforehand than have to fix a mistake.
9. Get Feedback
You want to try to reach out to get feedback whenever possible. Ask someone in upper management how you are doing and whether or not they can recommend anything that you could do to improve.
10. Build Relationships
It’s never too early to start building relationships. You want to try to do your best to be warm and friendly to everyone. Ask people how they are doing and mean it. The more relationships you can build, the bigger your network will be.
11. Maintain Flexibility
When you are looking to start a new job, you want to maintain a high level of flexibility. Try to give yourself plenty of time to work the job when you are just getting started. By spending some time after work to work on things, it will not only show your commitment, but it will help to improve your comfort level with the new responsibilities and it can make it a much easier transition.